
‘Moon Knight’ writer breaks down finale’s game-changing post-credits scene

Warning: This article contains spoilers for the Moon Knight series finale.

Moon Knight concluded its six-part debut (we hope) run on Disney Plus this Wednesday, and it dropped a couple of game-changing twists into the bargain to boot. On top of one of the character’s receiving a major power upgrade, the season finale — titled “Gods and Monsters” — had a fan-favorite from the comics that fans have been waiting weeks to see at last put in an appearance.

Spoilers incoming!

After Marc defied Khonshu and left Arthur Harrow alive, a post-credits scene revealed the cult leader had been institutionalized in a psychiatric ward (a real one this time). However, he is soon checked out by a mysterious figure who’s killed at least one hospital orderly. Taken into a white limo, Harrow finds himself face-to-skull-beak with Khonshu who introduces him to Jake Lockley, another of Marc’s alters, who promptly shoots Harrow in the face.

Yes, after fans have been demanding he show up week in week out, Jake was squeezed in right at the end of the final episode, revealing that Marc and Steven have a third — much more unhinged — personality that they know nothing about. There have been various clues to Jake’s existence hidden throughout the preceding installments, though, most notably the other sarcophagus in episode four.

Now that the cat (or cabbie) is out of the bag, head writer Jeremy Slater explained to that one of the biggest challenges of crafting this season was in pitching the Jake foreshadowing at just the right level. As he put it:

“We knew right from the beginning that fans were going to be on the lookout for references and clues that Jake Lockley is going to appear in the show… we have to make sure that the mystery works as satisfying for the newcomers to the Moon Knight story. It was really just a balancing act that definitely involved my team of writers, but also involved the directors, the executives, and ultimately, all the way up to Kevin Feige, in terms of how many breadcrumbs are we dropping? Is this a satisfying reveal? Are we telegraphing it too much? Or are we not telegraphing enough?”

With any luck, Jake’s last-minute entrance is a promise that Moon Knight will return for a second season. Although Harrow’s now gone, maybe Marc and Steven will find out that their next big threat is living inside their own head.

from We Got This Covered

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