
Marvel Confirms: Iron Man Still Hates Carol Danvers for Civil War 2

Warning: contains spoilers for Captain Marvel #36!

While Captain Marvel is one of the strongest superheroes in the Marvel Universe, strength alone is not enough to save her from Iron Man's hatred. The two characters, once friends, have butted heads ever since the events of Civil War II and its aftermath. Now in Captain Marvel #36, Tony Stark reveals that his feelings toward Carol Danvers haven't changed, even though years have passed and both superheroes have changed drastically as people.

The two characters are polar opposites at first glance. Tony Stark was a billionaire arms dealer-turned superhero after realizing his many mistakes had hurt others and decided to turn his life around for the better. Carol Danvers by contrast was always a heroic type, joining the Air Force and accidentally getting caught in an explosion which gave her superhuman abilities. The two fought side-by-side on many occasions as part of the Avengers (while Danvers was still called Ms. Marvel), but Civil War II changed their relationship irrevocably.

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The storyline revolved around Ulysses Cain, an Inhuman who gained the power to see into the future. Two factions emerge: Iron Man, who believes Cain's power shouldn't be used to hurt others who have yet to commit a crime, and Captain Marvel, who believes in using every possible weapon to prevent further evil. Infighting soon breaks out, resulting in the deaths of several superheroes (most notably Bruce Banner, though he eventually made a full recovery). By the time the dust settles, Captain Marvel had replaced Iron Man as the hardline-stance character - at least for the time being.

In Captain Marvel #36, Carol Danvers leads a team of Avengers, the Guardians of the Galaxy and her fellow Marvels in a fight against the villain Vox Supreme. Captain Marvel hatches a plan and needs Iron Man's help, but Tony Stark can't resist throwing multiple veiled insults toward Carol - even in the heat of battle. He questions her decisions to split up their forces, even though she's previously fought Vox Supreme and knows the villain better than Tony ever could.

Tony Stark, despite his character development over the decades, still holds grudges long after events have passed. He even treats Captain America with the same veiled contempt, even though the first Civil War event took place nearly ten years before the second. Captain Marvel has proved her abilities and has proved to have learned from her mistakes from Civil War II, and Iron Man must learn that - much like himself - others can change for the better over time.

Next: Marvel Hasn't Committed To Its Diversity Push (And That's Why It Fails)

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